14 Dec

Well, I'm back. It's been a long hiatus from this website. Since leaving my blog, I have helped Amelia Willows edit and publish her book, The Teachings of Khaleesi the Service Dog, through Barnes and Noble Press. The book is available online.

I have also been busy developing ideas and storylines. I have been learning the art of animation with the use of Adobe Character Animator. I have begun using the software to put my art, music and poetry to use for spiritual purposes.

A few years ago, I wrote a poetic paraphrase of the entire New Testament. I am now using my own music and artwork to create animated videos of my biblical interpretations. Click on the image below to go to my YouTube channel.

The purpose of my poetry is to offer a light-hearted view of Christianity and its sacred text. A criticism I have of religion, any religion, is that people can easily take themselves too seriously because of it. When that happens, religion can become abusive and oppressive.

I am also interested in making scripture accessible to everyone of all ages. I hope my endeavors can lighten your load and offer a semblance of hope in trying times.

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