09 Mar

By Rick McVicar   

  Brain health recovery affects almost everyone, whether for oneself or for a family member.  

   My guess is that there are a lot of people who would like to write about it, sing about it or draw pictures about it. If you are among those wanting to express themselves, then Artful Brain Health is the place for you.   

  This blog started in December with the intent to provide a forum for people to discuss their strategies for coping with brain health issues, whether it is mental health, addiction, dementia or intellectual disabilities. The website can be a place for caregivers to express themselves as well.   

  In February, a step towards that goal was made. A weekly columnist with the pen name of M. joined the Artful Brain Health to describe how she manages stress and anxiety. For M., life is a spiritual journal. She likes to share how spirituality helps her cope with the many issues that come her way. 

  While M. has her story to tell in a way that hopefully helps others, I am sure there are others who may have some valuable insights to share as well.

  As the head of Artful Brain Health, I want to invite anyone dealing with brain health issues to submit a picture, a poem or an essay for publication on www.artfulbrainhealth.com. Just go to the contact page and let me know you would like to submit material.

   I will get back in touch with you so you can submit your work.   A one-time posting is fine, and it can be kept anonymous if you like. Nothing will be posted without your consent. 

  We can also discuss possibilities for multiple postings if you’d like. Caregivers are invited as well.   

  Please, take this opportunity and run with it.  I am sure I will be delighted in what you have to express. 

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